
Tuesday, 13 October 2015

When being a mummy gets a bit too much...

As a mother, you encounter more than your fair share of laugh or cry moments. I have found that in order to steer clear of becoming a sobbing mess on the kitchen floor, it helps to make a joke out of it and share it with the world (the main reason why I am so in love with the Unmummsy mum's Twitter feed!) 
Ok so maybe not the whole world but at least a close mummy friend who can sympathise and laugh along. 

These experiences are usually shared via text message at ridiculous hours of night, dictating the appalling amount of chocolate/wine you have consumed and are filled with an obscene amount of profanities!) 

There was the time I'd slept so little the previous night that I couldn't quite bring myself to get off the floor, but was greeted by a reply that made me laugh so much I managed to perk up and find the strength to get through the night shift!

The day that everything decided to go tits up all at once and my lovely friend got bombarded with messages while I tried not to have a mental breakdown...

The day our incredible business plan began to take form (we are still working on it and I will inform you when we take the idea to Dragons Den)

And then the day where I seriously considered giving my cat away at 5 o'clock in the morning...

It may just be my experience, but I have found that even at 6 months the hard days by far outweigh the easy ones. However having someone to laugh and joke about it with is what gets you through it all and out the other side (the other side being 7:30pm where there is wine and chocolate and a big squishy sofa you can curl up on) 

Stay strong fellow mummies. And if you ever need someone to have a mini-mental breakdown at, I am always at the other end of my emails :-)

  My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows


  1. Brilliant. I particularly love the bit about the cat hahaha

  2. It was not one of the cats finest moments! X

  3. Great post. I have a friend who I text through out the day - especially if I have something funny to say or if I need a rant or someone to talk too! xx

    1. I think everyone needs a friend like that! X

  4. Oh this did make me laugh- think we have all been there - especially the one where you suddenly remember someone is coming round and your house is a tip lol.

  5. Lol about the cat definitely think I would feel the same.

  6. I think I'm in the middle of a mini breakdown!

  7. Love this! I know that feeling all too well! x

  8. This is fab! And having a friend there makes it so much easier to bear each day!

    When you set your business up let me know....

    1. Haha I will do! May be waiting a while though! X

  9. I totally need to add you to WhatsApp or something. I have hardly any mummy friends so I don't have anyone to send these kind of messages to! I usually just end up whinging to the husband whilst he's at work.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Oh no I don't have what's app! I need to get it! But in the mean time everyone needs a mummy friend to send these messages to so feel free to email me anytime you like! Seriously! Xxx

  10. So funny! The terrible twos were the worse for me. You still worry about them when they are 18 too!

  11. Ha this is so funny! I wish I could look back at messages my mummy friends and I sent to each other! xx

  12. Ha ha great post. So true having someone to laugh and joke about the hard times with does make them easier.

  13. We've all been there on those tough days and times. Some of the messages I've sent to friends especially mummy friends are probably very funny to look back on!

  14. Oh I love this. Not the crap days, obviously, but your texts! So nice you have sometime you can bombard with them too, I often end up seething to myself on days like that! x

    1. If you ever have a bad day and need someone to vent to feel free to email me :-) I'm always up at any hour day or night! X

  15. Brillant post. I think every parent see's a day like this! #Love2Blog

  16. Oh Laura you know I am right there with you!! We've had such a tough time with Ailsa these last few weeks being ill and generally being a grump. My house was a tip too but I left it for the hubby to clean up haha.

  17. Haha, oh yes, i'm always in mummy mode which sometimes means I forget to hang the washing up, because when can I find 5 minutes with all the other things I have to do like pretend to be a worm, make snow globes and bake cookies?? ;) x

  18. Ah I love this I am the only one of my friends with children but I still sed them thee messages and usually get something back like I know how you feel I lost my favourite lipstick today haha! x

  19. I have a little mummy whatsapp group, we text all through the day... great to have a mummy support network xxx

  20. Great post and so funny! My cats also do this, little buggers (I want to say something worse, I really do!)
    The teething does get better, I promise, they just learn to deal with it better. I used to be afraid of giving Lily calpol etc. but now when they're getting to her I get it straight out. Better for her not to be in pain and better for me as she cheers up! XX

    1. Calpol all the way! Yep my poor cat has been called some rather horrible names! X

  21. OK the cat mentioning was HILARIOUS! lol! What a great post! #Love2Blog

  22. I agree the hard days do seem to outweigh the good days in terms of numbers, but somehow just one little good day seems to be able to keep us going through a lot of hard days - guess that is the way we are programmed! #FartGlitter

  23. I couldn't agree more! Mummy programming system! X

  24. Brilliant! My cat has done exactly the same. We're sleeping peacefully and it's after 6am - baby is having a lie in! Then the cat decides he wants feeding NOW. And I need mummy daycare, keep working on it and bring it to me please! :-) x

    1. Damn cats! We'll keep working on it and let you know when it's up
      And running! X

  25. I completely agree. The laundry text was hilarious :-). Sometimes I just need to rant and I have a friend who receives my nutso messages and talks me down from the ledge sometimes. I'm also over at my blog trying to keep my sanity if you need it :-)
    Thanks for linking up to #fartglitter x

    1. Fab - I'll pop over to the blog next time I'm having a meltdown (which I can almost guarantee will be in the next few hours! X

  26. totally with you - i have a whatsapp group with my NCT mummies and i have no idea what id do without it #fartglitter

  27. Lol this made me laugh! I've definitely had days like this! I have two good friends from our NCT group and I swear I wouldn't have got through the first 12 months without them - and now we are all doing it again! We must be mad! Xx #fartglitter xx

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