
Wednesday, 30 December 2015

I will stop eating chocolate for breakfast...

I will do more exercise. 
I will stop eating chocolate for breakfast and I will start taking pole lessons again. 
I will tone my tummy and I will drink less wine.
I will swear less, drink less coffee and hoover at least twice a week. 
I will stop turning our bedroom into a floordrobe and I will stop buying pointless numbers of high heels (although is there really such a thing?!) 
I will try to be less grumpy, shave my legs before I start to resemble a yeti, stop taking everything so personally and organise my dvd shelf. 
I will control my shopping problem, walk the dog when it's my turn and stop leaving all the lights on when I go out. 
I will remember to de-frost Luke's tea and wash up last nights bottles as soon as I get up.
I will reply to texts, see friends more and I will do the laundry before the basket starts to overflow. 
I will clean my oven more often and change the cat litter before my kitchen starts to smell like it's going off...

Although now that I look at it all written down, it seems a little unrealistic. So I think my New Years resolution this year shall simply be this. To be the best mummy I possibly can, give cuddles when they are needed and make the most of my little boy. And if we're both still alive at the end of the year, then I will have done a pretty great job. I'm sure clean laundry and shaved legs are hugely over rated anyway...

Binky Linky


  1. Love this! Your first list was way too long and I much prefer your actual resolution!

  2. What a long list, love that you made one actual resolution and what a fab resolution it is!

  3. Haha I need to do all those things too, but I totally agree that being the best mummy you can is so much more important. Happy New Year and all the best for 2016.x

  4. What a great list! Different to all the other lists. Happy new year and all the best to 2016 x

  5. Haha i love this! I find it so hard to stick to my resolutions, i do think being the best mummy you can be is the most important! All the best in 2016 :) Xx

    1. I'm hoping its one I can actually stick to this year! X

  6. Haha!! This is MY list too!!! I was nodding along to all of these!! Makes me realise that I'm not the only one — thankfully — but also being the best mummy we can is the best resolution. And probably the only one I'll stick to 100% ;)

    Happy new year to you and your family! xx

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Here's to being fab mummies - Happy New Year! Xx

  7. this is brilliant, can really relate. Nothing wrong with some chocolate for breakfast now and again ;)

    1. Trying to find a way to make it sound healthy?! X

  8. Lols, this is so cute :) I think we set totally unrealistic standards for ourselves - I don't think that men ever create such comprehensive 'to do' lists! And giving cuddles and love is the most important thing of all.

    1. Men definitely do not create such lists! I'm a bit of a sucker for cuddles :-) xx

  9. Being the best Mummy you can be is a wonderful resolution. I love that you have put the others to one side. You can never have enough high heels, surely? Happy New Year!

    1. Definitely not. Maybe I'll keep buying the shoes! Xx

  10. Aww I am sure you are already being the best mummy you can be. And yes shaved legs are definitely overrated haha!x

    1. Good - my legs need a little tlc from a razor currently! Xx

  11. My bedroom seems to be a bit of a dumping ground too. I really need to clear out the clothes that I say every year I will fit back into but never do.... That or actually lose the weight! x

  12. Oh I am with you on so many of those things, however cuddles are the best and most important!

  13. This is great resolution and one that many strive for. Here's to great new year X #blinkylinky

  14. This is fun! I don't think I can stick to the resolution of not eating chocolate for breakfast either.

  15. Being the best mummy ever sounds like the best resolution to me! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  16. O that list don't worry the last part is perfect thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  17. Lots of luck with ur goals for the year.
    I need to stop eating so much chocolate too.


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