
Thursday, 15 October 2015

Sometimes it's hard... And that is all.

 No one tells you how painfully exhausting the nights will be during sleep regressions. 

Nobody tells you how often you end up crying along with your baby at night. 

No one tells you how hopeless and powerless you feel when your child is ill and has to go to hospital. 

No one tells you how desperate you'll feel when you're the only voice your child has and the doctors won't listen. 

No one tells you how much it will hurt when your child refuses to eat the food you've spent hours preparing. 

Nobody explains the sinking feeling you get when you hear them cry out again and you just want to lie down after 6 months of sleep deprivation. 

No body tells you what a failure you'll feel if you can't breastfeed. 

No one tells you how often you snap and shout at your husband even if he's done nothing wrong. 

No one tells you about the days where you feel totally isolated, as if you're doing it all alone. 

Don't get me wrong, my son is my world and I love him more than words can describe. There are so many positives to being a parent: getting to have cuddles in the middle of the night just you two, seeing their faces light up when you look into their cot in the morning or having your baby cling onto you as they fall asleep in your arms are amazing things which make all of the above seem irrelevant. 
But sometimes you just need to be able to say that being a mum is hard. No justifications or buts followed by the positives of parenthood. Sometimes you just need to be able to say that being a mummy is really hard and soul destroying. Because sometimes it is. And thats OK - it does not make you a bad parent. Just an honest one. 

Mami 2 Five


  1. Thank you for posting this, it is so honest and I'm sure rings true for a lot of us. I remember crying at night with my daughter when she was a newborn, but I wouldn't change a thing; she is my world.

  2. I'm glad you liked it 😊 So tough being a mummy. It is worth every second but does sometimes take its toll xxx

  3. Oh god, it is so, so hard sometimes. This post will help someone else who is struggling x

  4. Very true. Having the responsibility of another being, one who cannot do anything for themselves and relies on you to give and teach them everything... Yes it's bloody hard! People expect mums to be happy all the time but we need to be able to say we're finding it hard without judgement! Great post x

  5. So very true. We are currently in the 4 month sleep regression and it's so bloody hard. I constantly feel knackered and like I am doing things wrong. But we are just being the best mums we can be, and I think sometimes we forget that that's enough!

  6. Oh honey the 4 months regression was so tough on us - sending you lots of hugs. We can only do our best xxx

  7. Yes, to all of this! I'm going through that isolated feeling at the moment - I have never been so lonely in all my life until I became a mum. It's really, really hard.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  8. I'm sorry you're feeling alone - always at the other end of my email if you need someone to talk to xxx

  9. I hope you are ok lovely. You are right, the best thing to do is to talk about your feelings, don't ever keep it inside. Thinking of you

    Gemma xx

  10. What a great and honest post - everything is so true. Being a mum is the best thing I've ever done but it's hard work too x

  11. I couldn't agree more. Falsifying motherhood the way the media does grinds my gears. Of course it's amazing to be gifted with motherhood but it's damn bloody hard. Well done for writing this! Xx

  12. Hey lovely, a very honest post. Motherhood is both amazing and hard. Of course. Sometimes we need to vent or to write it down to just let all the hard bits go. i think blogging allows this and more because of the support of other parents and like minded people. Its gets easier as they get older I honestly have found that. Although many don't agree with this. That is how my experience has been.

  13. I've found blogging has helped me hugely in getting all my thoughts and feelings out of my head. Ooo fingers crossed for getting easier! Xxx

  14. So very true and I couldn't agree more. A very honest post. Parenthood is hard. We recently had our baby in hospital and I never realised how hard it is to be stuck in a hospital alone (it was over 100 miles away from our home so my partner had to stay with our other child) with your child unwell and nothing you can do to take it away.

  15. Oh I'm so sorry you've had a tough hospital stay - ours was hard enough with just the one child and friends and family nearby. Can't imagine how hard it must have been for you. You feel so helpless. Lots of mummy hugs being sent your way xxx

  16. It can be so tough sometimes, well done for saying it as lots of people hate to say anything as they worry people think they will be classed as a bad mum for saying these things. Thing is you are just normal!

  17. It is hard and that's one of the things I love about blogging - we can share the tough times with each other and chat through difficulties. I hope your little one is ok after the hospital stay xx

  18. You are absolutely right. I've had three kids and it never gets any easier. If anything, it just gets more and more challenging. I love my kids too, but I agree that being a mom is the hardest thing in the whole world!

  19. What an honest post. Parenting is hard although it is so so worth it! Thats why i started blogging at first to share my experience through motherhood x

  20. I think that's why a lot of mummies start blogging - great way to let your feelings out. And also to help other mums in similar situations x

  21. The role as a Mum is just as you described it hard, it's bloody hard but so rewarding as after I got pregnant at 17 years old I still went on to have another child and now have 2 boys age 18 and 13.

  22. What a wonderful post (and blog) :)


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