
Saturday, 5 December 2015

Blogmas #5 - The countdown to Christmas

Although I absolutely love Christmas Day, one of my favourite parts is actually the lead up to Christmas. 

I love the decorations, the fairy lights and the carols. The markets, the mulled wine and dressing up for the work Christmas party. The Christmas food, the of buying presents and all in all that general festive feeling. 

But simple as it sounds, one of my favourite traditions in the lead up to Christmas, is opening the Advent calendar.
My parents are religious, so growing up I was never allowed a chocolate advent calendar (it took away from the meaning of Christmas) I had ones with pictures. As a 6 year old, you can imagine how unimpressed I was when all the other children opened their door to find little Santa chocolates and I got a picture of a robin. 

Ironically now I much prefer the picture calendars. You can get such beautiful ones with lovely pictures and (you've guessed it) lots and lots of glitter!

This year, when my Daddy dropped by with an Advent calendar 'for Luke' I wondered, at 8 months old, how interested he would really be. 
On the December 1st while we were having breakfast, I put the calendar in front of Luke and was surprised at how taken in he was. His eyes were like saucers and he had a look of total wonder on his little face. It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen, made all the more special by the fact that the calendar was from Grandad. 
Now we open the calendar every morning at breakfast and Luke is totally entranced. It has made one of my favourite Christmas traditions all the more special and I'm actually going to be quite sad when we get to the last door. 

What is your favourite part about the lead up to Christmas? I'd love to hear your count down traditions. 

Happy Blogmas! X


  1. I love the build up to Christmas the whole month is amazing!! The advent calendar always makes it seem to go so fast! X

    1. I know, can't believe it's less that 2 weeks until Christmas! X

  2. Ah bless, how sweet! We don't have chocolate advent calendars here either. We have a handmade advent calendar that my very talented friend made for us. It has little felt decorations that they hang on their felt tree. They also get a little gift from the elves as long as they've been good - or a snotty note from the elves if they've played us up!x

  3. I love the lead up to Christmas too! Pickle has failed to grasp the concept of the Advent Calendar I'm afraid! He's only 3! Kaz x

  4. Ah how lovely, the lead up to Christmas is so full on when you have school aged children. They have school plays, non uniform days, shopping days, parties and jumper days. It is so full on and my kids are so tired because of it, but it is very fun!

  5. Such a lovely post! I also love the build up to Christmas, I love everything about it! My daughter is two and is really, really enjoying her advent calender this year! It's a lovely tradition :D xx

  6. Oh lovely. My girls have three advents (one which is shared). They are playdoh ones, a chocolate one and a book advent. I have a picture one and it's quite nice to look at them I agree. I love meeting Santa (well my girls any way)


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