
Sunday, 13 December 2015

Blogmas #13 - Our week in pictures

So as many of you will have seen from my social media pages, we have had a rather eventful week. 
Luke has been under the weather all week and a trip to the GP on Thursday resulted in an ambulance ride to the nearest hospital. Blue lights, sirens, the whole sherbang. 
Unfortunately Luke was diagnosed with a severe case of bronchiolitis. However I am happy to report that after a few days of antibiotics, steroids and oxygen boxes, he seems to be on the mend and we are back home. 

Due to Luke being poorly and our hospital stay, we had to cancel most of weeks plans. So this weeks photos are a little bit scarce (I didn't think many of you would fancy hideous photos of both of us covered in sick and snot! Plus me without makeup is something no one should have to see) here are a few pics from this week. 

We have been doing a lot more baby led weaning this week and Luke is loving it. One of his favourites is crumpets and jam for breakfast. He gets so excited he tries to put the entire thing in his mouth, before choking and realising this probably isn't quite such a good idea...

We also had a very exciting parcel delivered mid week which contained our Christmas cards! They are a little late going out, but they are finally signed, sealed and will be taken to the post office tomorrow for the elves to sort! 

I just about managed to do some Christmas shopping before our week took a turn for the worse and along the way I picked up this gem of a dress in TK Maxx, reduced to £25! It's gorgeous and will be perfect for my work Christmas party next week - pictures to follow! 

Believe it or not, the photo below was taken the day we were rushed to hospital. Luke deals so well with being poorly that people have a hard time believing he's ill. He was a total trooper and despite being in an oxygen box, he had a whale of a time flirting like crazy with all the nurses! Needless to say they loved him :-) 

And lastly a small and trivial thing - I have FINALLY got round to putting the December patch onto Luke's Seasons calendar.
A friend made this for Luke when he was born and although I love it, I am always forgetting to change the month. It was stuck on October for far too long so I think changing the months will have to be a New Years resolution! 

Unfortunately that is it for this week as we spent half our time in hospital. We have had a lazy day today so should be back into the swing of things tomorrow! We are picking up the crockery we painted this week so in super excited to show you what they look like!

Happy Blogmas! X

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