
Monday, 21 December 2015

Blogmas #21 - Favourite Festive Blogs

As I am doing Blogmas this year, I have found myself being drawn to all the Christmassy blog posts as I scroll through Twitter and visit various blogs. So I thought I would share with you some of my favourites, incase you fancy some festive reading to get you in the Christmss spirit!

The top of my list has to be this wonderful Merry Christmas from Rhyming with Wine. As always, her writing made me chuckle and I found myself in hysterics after finding out that her 3 year old calls it Pissmass! If you fancy a giggle you must have a read. To be honest if you like wine and hysterical laughter then you should probably read most of her stuff!

I also love It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year by Sophie Ella & Me. Reading this made me feel so festive and started to get me really excited about Christmas. Great if you're feeling a bit bah humbug and need reminding why Christmas is so wonderful. 

Another one if you need a hand getting in the Christmas spirit is one from Mum Muddling Through. It's an A-Z of what she loves about Christmas and as I scrolled down the page, I got more and more excited about the big day. By the end of it I felt like an overexcited child and couldn't wait another day for Christmas!  
(Plus I have a soft spot for anyone who shares my love of The Muppet Christmas Carol)

And finally a gem from The Unmumsy Mum. She of my all time favourite bloggers and never fails to crack me up. Her 'Why Is Christmas So Fancy These Days' post was wonderful to read, made me chuckle and after a day of getting caught up in the whirlwind of Christmas excitement as I flew round the shops, it brought me back down to reality a bit.(Thank god because if I had come home with the 6ft tree covered in chunky gold glitter that I very nearly bought, I think Pete would have promptly left me...!) 

Those are a few of my favourites from this year, head over and have a read. 

Happy Blogmas! X


  1. Oh wow thank you so much lovely! This has just absolutely made my day.

    Wishing you a very merry pissmass and I'll look forward to keeping up with your fabulous posts in 2016! :)

    Dawn x

  2. Thanks again for including me! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas xx


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