
Sunday 22 November 2015

Our week in pictures #2

To be quite honest we have had a relatively lazy week this week. Luke has been teething like crazy and as a result we have had a slightly grumpy baby and a very grumpy mummy! 

At the beginning of the week my Daddy came to see us and we had a Grandad day. He works away a lot so I treasure the rare times I get to spend the day with him. Luke is totally in love with his Grandad - seeing them together makes me heart melt. We went to Starbucks and I tried their hot mulled fruit which is hands down the best Christmas drink ever (except actual mulled wine!) totally in love!

I also got my first set of Christmas nails done this week which I got extremely over excited about and I have already planned my next two sets! They look kind of like Frozen nails, however this wasn't intentional and they are actually meant to match our Christmas decor at work - I felt super co-ordinated this weekend!

At least 3 days this week I have also invaded my friend Rebecca's house (partly due to the lack of coffee in my house and partly because she is lush and plies me with chocolate!) her little boy and Luke are totally cute together even though their play dates usually involve chewing each other feet and trying to grab each others faces!

My biggest feat this week is a little bit pathetic but a major triumph in mummy world! Trying to get Luke to sleep when he is poorly is a total nightmare so this picture was a very proud moment! Haha lame I know!

Honestly the rest of the week has mainly involved snuggles and selfies with a teething, poorly milk monster - my sincere apologies that I haven't been up to anything more interesting! 

I will do my best next week to get out of my pyjamas and get some more interesting and exciting pictures for next weeks 'Our week in pictures'!
What have you been up to this week? Share your favourite picture below! 


  1. You guys are just the cutest! I need to try the Starbucks mulled fruit, looks so yummy! Will need to get a play date in soon!

  2. Thanks! It is absolutely delicious! Xxx

  3. What a lovely week. Your Christmas nails look absolutely gorgeous and the mulled Starbucks drink sounds absolutely delicious. I can't wait to tuck into some mulled wine, I absolutely love it. xx #love2blog

    1. I have to say the mulled fruit isn't a patch on actual mulled wine! X

  4. Loving the crimbo nails - very festive. :)

    Hey, getting a poorly/teething baby to sleep is no mean feat - you deserve to be proud mama. :)

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Thank you! It was a very very proud moment! X

  5. Love the pictures and your nails look so wintery and nice! Sounds like a tough week but fingers crossed teething poorly baby gets well very soon! xx

    1. Thank you - I have a slight nail varnish obsession! X

  6. Aaaww cute photos! I love your nails. I totally get the sleep triumph! Kaz x

    1. Thanks! I've already got my next 2 sets of nails picked out! X

  7. Oh teething sucks, hope your little man gets some respite from the pain soon. He's totally adorable though. Lovely wintery nails too!

    1. Teething totally sucks! I'm hoping its that he's getting them out of the way all at once! X

  8. Totally not lame, I love a little mummy moment when you've got them to sleep finally. Love your nails and hoping he's feeling better now xx

    1. It is sometimes nice to have a lazy PJ week :-) x

  9. Oh my God he's so cute. I love his hair!! We haven't done anything last week. Our week is pretty much always the same because I am working full time and so is daddy. We get to do family stuff at the weekend like walks and town.

    1. Thanks! He's rocking quite a cool boy hairstyle. I can't imagine working full time - mega impressed mama! X

  10. Love your nails...teething sucks doesn't it??!

    1. God it totally sucks - the nails make it a bit better!! X

  11. Aw lovely photos! I really like your nails! I hope luke is feeling all better now! xx

    1. Thanks - Christmas nails make the world a better place! X

  12. These are lovely photos:) your nails look incredible!! X

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping to get a ther 2 Christmas themed sets before Christmas Day! X

  13. I LOVE your snowflake finger nail! So Christmassy and fun.

    1. Thank you! I am having mega glittery ones next time! X

  14. Lovely photos. Love the Christmas nails!!
