
Sunday 8 November 2015

I am thankful for wine.

I was talking to a friend recently and we realised that we are not thankful enough for the things we have and how lucky we are to have them. It is so easy to focus on the things that aren't right and the things you don't have in your life and while doing that, we forget all the wonderful things that we have in our lives. Big or small, I think it will do me the world of good to focus on the positive things, be more grateful and realise actually how lucky I am. So here goes... What am I thankful for?

My husband. Yes sometimes he does my head in. Yes he doesn't always do what I'd like or help as much I want. And sometimes I swear I'm going to commit murder. But then I actually think about it and realise how lucky I am. 
He is always on my side. He hugs me when I'm sad and buys me chocolate when I'm really sad. He dances around the kitchen like a lunatic to make me laugh. He works his butt off to give us a good life. He de-ices my car on frosty mornings so I don't get cold hands. And he buys me my favourite wine when I've had a stressful day. He's not always perfect but I think I need to appreciate more often that he's actually pretty bloody good. 

Wine. Ok it sounds cliche and maybe a bit desperate. But seriously can you think if anything that beats sitting on the sofa after a long day which started at 5am full of nappies and sick and crying, and taking that first sip of delicious, tummy warming wine. Mmmmm I can't...

My dog. She steals nappies and tries to eat the contents. She wees on the floor when she gets excited and she barks at anyone who comes within a mile radius of our house. She steals my pants and takes them to bed with her. But she is the most loving dog I've ever met. She gives me cuddles on the sofa at the end of a hard, tiring day. She is always excited to see me, no matter how much of a grumpy cow I'm being that day. She sits with Luke and doesn't bat an eyelid when he grabs her fur. And she has a mega cute wrinkly face which makes the world a better place. 

My mummy friends. My mummy friends have helped me through one of the toughest and most challenging times in my life. They've seen the hysterical tears (sometimes of joy, but mainly of desperation!). They've seen me looking exhausted, disgusting, un-showered and covered in sick. We have talked about poop, labour, sex, useless husbands and lady parts. There are no boundaries and yet they continue to love me and be there for me no matter what. And I think that's amazing. I honestly couldn't live without them. 

My parents. I am lucky enough to have my parents close by. That doesn't mean they have to help. But they do. Whenever they can and without question. Yes sometimes they interfere when I wish they wouldn't and I find myself wishing they lived in Australia. But they've enabled date nights to happen, sleep to be caught up on and most recently for me to be able to return to work. And I can't thank them enough.

Mascara. Because let's be honest - it doesn't even bare thinking about what I'd look like without it. All I can say is LancĂ´me, I love you. 

My little boy. My beautiful, healthy smiley little boy. It's sometimes hard to be thankful for babies. Of course we are, but when it's 3 am and they've been screaming for the past 2 hours it's hard to be thankful. And when you give everything you've got and it still doesn't seem to be enough for them it's hard to be thankful. 
But then I think, and realised how blessed I am to have a baby who is healthy and happy. 
He smiles when he sees my face first thing in the morning. He gives me kisses (well he kind of licks/eats my face - that counts right?!). He snuggles in to me when he's sleepy and gives me amazing cuddles. He coos at me and has the most amazing giggle. And he makes me feel so full of love that sometimes I feel like I actually might pop.

It is so easy to forget the wonderful  in life, no matter how big or small they seem. This next week I want you to do something for me. Every day write down 3 things you are thankful for. It can be as important as your husband or as trivial as your favourite lipstick. But give it a go and I think when the week is up, you will be amazed at how many wonderful things you have in your life that maybe you didn't realise or appreciate until now. Let me know below what you are thankful for. 


  1. Love this! It is always easy to see the bad things in life and it is sometimes harder to look at the good things but it is so important to do so. We need to remember what we have :) And it is so much easier to do that with a glass of wine in hand!! :)

    Gemma xx

    1. Everything's easier with a glass of wine!

  2. Great post, we can sometimes forget the wonderful things we have in our lives. You dog sounds like mine, the amount of times I caught her devouring a used nappy. At the time I'm livid, but I always laugh when I think back lol. x

    1. Glad my dog isn't the only one! It's awful! X

  3. I love this post. I've definitely needed to read this today. It's been a really poopy day, but this has put things into perspective a little bit more. I definitely need to write down what I'm grateful for, hopefully it might change my grumpy mood. Chloe - Life Unexpected xx #lovetoblog

    1. I've found it really helps - especially on the bad days x

  4. lovely post. I really need to do this more often. A list of happy things is very therapeutic isn't it? I am totally on board with the mascara one haha

    1. I've found it so therapeutic. Couldn't live without my mascara!! X

  5. What a great and varied list of things! My husband deices my car too and with three kids to get out of the house it saves me valuable minutes bless him x

    1. Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference :-) xx

  6. Oh my goodness, your dog just has the cutest little face in the world! I had a bit of a wakeup call recently when my husband was involved in a serious accident. It made me appreciate him a little bit more although I still wouldn't have a good word said about him. And I totally agree with you, if all else fails there's always wine.x

    1. She is totally cute! Aaww sorry to hear about your hubby. Xxx

  7. Fantastic post! I think sometimes we need to be reminded about all that's good in our lives, especially during hard times.

  8. I am thankful too for my hubby and my mummy friends. Although they can be more drama! We don't drink alcohol though.

  9. Lovely post Laura. I definitely don't appreciate my husband enough, bless him! Definitely with you on the wine appreciation train, gin also, and vodka...xx
